Posted on: 12/1/2023

Photo by Christian Garcia On Unsplash Snow Travel For The New Colorado Resident Being a new Colorado resident can be an exciting adventure, especially with the stunning landscapes, outdoor activities, and, of course, the snowy winters. Whether you're a seasoned resident or a recent transplant, understanding the ins and outs of snow travel is crucial to ensure your safety and maintain your vehicle's performance. At Aurora AutoPros, we've been serving the local community for years, and we're here to share our expertise to make your Colorado winter driving experience smooth and stress-free. In this blog, we'll provide you with essential tips and insights on navigating Colorado's snowy roads while keeping your vehicle in top shape. Tips For Safe Snow Travel Here are some tips you c ... read more
Posted on: 8/1/2023

Photo by Moren on Unsplash Remember the days of carrying your little one into the car, buckling them up, and checking their car seat three or four times before driving off? Even if your kids are old enough to buckle themselves in, there’s a lot of routine and ritual behind your driving. Your car is a means of getting to where you need to go, but we believe they’re much more than that here at Aurora AutoPros. The school year is beckoning, and we thought we’d make our favorite back-to-school rituals the driver of this month's blog. We've got some car-focused rituals that will have you and your kids cruising through the school year with ease! 1. Post Pick-up Gas Check: Fuel Up for Awesome Adventures! Picture this: you've finally got all the kids in the car, it looks like you’ll make it right in time for the first bell, and just as yo ... read more
Posted on: 6/30/2023

Photo by Acton Crawford on Unsplash Summer Fun in Aurora: Family-Friendly Events and Date Night Delights With summer in full swing, it's time to embrace the warm weather and explore the vibrant city of Aurora, Colorado. Aurora has something for everyone, whether you're looking for family-friendly activities or a memorable date night. Let's dive into some exciting events happening this July in Aurora! And as you venture out to enjoy these events, rest assured that Aurora Auto Pros is here to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Family-Friendly Fun Get ready for a summer filled with family-friendly fun in Aurora, Colorado! From outdoor concerts and movie nights to fascinating museum exhibits, there are plenty of activities to keep the whole family entertained while creating cherished memories. Aurora Rhythms Concert Series Groove to the beat of live music at the Auror ... read more
Posted on: 2/1/2022

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash With February being a month with winter and St. Valentine’s Day in it, it’s an interesting part of our annual cycle. It’s a time where we’re running on empty in preparation for the renewal of spring. Valentine’s Day is an excellent excuse to replenish your relationships. Couples old and young begin to reconnect and renew their love with gifts, intimate time together, extra care for each other, and expressing their love. At Aurora AutoPros, we’d like to point out that, whether you anthropomorphize your vehicle or not, you do have a relationship with your car based on trust and care. You need your car to be there for you in a reflex moment or a potentia ... read more
Posted on: 1/1/2022

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash As the calendar turns to the new year, we usually see many people making resolutions to improve the quality of their lives. “New Year, New Me” is an annual concept as people begin working on their resumes, starting diets, exercising, or putting down their cigarettes. Some themes revolve around trimming down, especially waistlines and budgets. People change a minor factor in their lives and watch it have a ripple effect of positive outcomes if they can just hang on long enough to their resolution. For some, it’s a more significant change. They’re embracing the kind of person they’d like to be, emulating a hero. They are working to be their idea ... read more
Posted on: 11/1/2021

Photo by Karan Shiwalkar on Unsplash Our vehicles are a conduit for our memories, like a time capsule we move about in; during our daily lives. We all have fond memories associated with our vehicles; some are sweet, fun, and some are crazy. Whether you are six or 60 years old, your vehicle would have all kinds of stories about you if it could talk! Our vehicles spend their days getting us to-and-from our dreams; they bring us to work every day, they bring our families together, and they take us on our favorite trips. Imagine the stories your vehicle could tell if you gave it the chance to speak. Here are some of the things your vehicle might say if it had a voice: It Would Tell Your Love Story - American love sto ... read more
Posted on: 10/15/2021

Photo by White Field Photo on Unsplash We blinked, and suddenly it's October! Here in Colorado, the mornings are brisk, and the leaves have gorgeous hues of gold, red, and orange. Many households take advantage of this season to decorate for Halloween and take their vehicles in for a checkup! Fall is the season to have your vehicle checked and schedule any needed repairs before the frigid weather arrives. There is no such thing as an ideal time to be stranded on the side of the road, but in freezing temperatures, it can be worse than inconvenient – it can be downright dangerous. To help you avoid winter woes, we want to share the top three ways you can prepare your vehicle during Autumn for the coming Winter months. Tires ... read more
Posted on: 8/6/2021

Heat Causes More Batteries to Fail Than Cold! “When most motorists think of dead batteries that cause starting failure, they think of severe winter weather, but summer heat is the real culprit,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. More car batteries fail in the summer than in the winter! Summer’s hot temperatures can destroy a car’s battery. Heat causes battery fluid to evaporate, which then damages the internal structure of the battery. The Car Care Council advises vehicle owners to have their car battery tested periodically, including in the summer and replaced, if necessary, to avoid being stranded during that summer vacation. At Aurora AutoPros, we can perform a battery service that includes cleaning the contacts and cables, as well as test the strength of the battery. This service increases the life of your battery and saves you unnecessary hassles. There is never a good time for your car to break down or not start, so prevention is the ... read more
Posted on: 5/12/2021

Summer presents plenty of traffic safety concerns that, if ignored, can turn a dreamy ride into a nightmare. Motorists should keep these summer driving safety tips top of mind before hitting the road. Driving vacations are expected to be at an all time high this summer! • Whether traveling 5 or 500 miles, every driver should carry important items like a mobile phone charger, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, drinking water, extra snacks and food, booster cables, emergency flares or reflectors, windshield wiper fluid and a basic toolkit with a tire pressure gauge and adjustable wrench. Despite the importance of these items, more than 40 percent of motorists don’t carry such an emergency kit, one of the most valuable summer driving safety tips. • Sun glare can be a serious hazard. A sweet pair of sunglasses will ... read more
Posted on: 5/12/2021

As Colorado temperatures rise, drivers will be eager to crank the A/C for a cool, comfortable ride. Some of those drivers will be furrowing their brows, wondering why the air is not getting very cool or taking a long time to cool. Signs that the A/C needs serviced are: Warm air blowing from the a/c vent Warm air blowing means the A/C system is not operating correctly. Air-conditioning systems are sealed circuits, and any loss of cooling ability calls for an inspection of the entire system. The cause could be due low freon level due to a leak somewhere or a component has failed, like the A/C compressor or the cooling fan. An engine running hotter than normal can also affect the performance of the A/C system. (This is another reason you should get your vehicle inspected at regular intervals!) ... read more