Photo byKaran Shiwalkar onUnsplash
Our vehicles are a conduit for our memories, like a time capsule we move about in; during our daily lives. We all have fond memories associated with our vehicles; some are sweet, fun, and some are crazy. Whether you are six or 60 years old, your vehicle would have all kinds of stories about you if it could talk!
Our vehicles spend their days getting us to-and-from our dreams; they bring us to work every day, they bring our families together, and they take us on our favorite trips. Imagine the stories your vehicle could tell if you gave it the chance to speak. Here are some of the things your vehicle might say if it had a voice:
It Would Tell Your Love Story - American love stories are peppered with tales of young people spending days together exploring the world. How many of us have memories of going on a first date in a beat-up junker, having the time of our lives? These moments should be cherished, and we should never forget that feeling of youth.
It Would Tell Your Family Story - Your vehicle has seen it all and felt it all, haha! It was there to get you to the hospital, and it was there to bring you and your newborn baby home. It was also there for all the interesting things your baby decided to spill, haha!
It Would Tell Your Life Story - We fill our time jumping from place to place. Our vehicles are the ones who get us from spot to spot, and they have seen all of our anxiety-driven journeys! They were there to take us to our first job at the fast-food joint, and they were there when we took our first ride with our future love. Pat the ol' boy on the back and thank ‘em for their faithful service.
Vehicles are there to get us from point A to point B, but they accompany us through all the ups-and-downs in between, too. Take a moment to look over your vehicle and remember all the hard times and good times, and take a moment to appreciate how far you and your vehicle have come. Hopefully, you have many years ahead, and hopefully, you have an auto center that is there to help you through that journey.
We’re currently facing a parts challenge. I’m sure most people have seen the giant traffic jam for shipping liners in the west coast ports. Some of our repairs are taking longer due to long waits for currently unavailable parts. This is happening across all industries-- every line where parts are supplied has been affected. We beg your pardon, and politely request your grace and patience as we all deal with this together. Holidays are busy and stressful enough, so give yourself the gift of time. Please don’t procrastinate/wait until the last minute to service your vehicle.
For best service, schedule an appointment with Aurora AutoPros before Thanksgiving so you won't have to add stress to the loving chaos of the holiday season. We look forward to seeing you soon. Also, we invite you to follow us on Facebook and our social media channels and see what engaging, entertaining, educational, and fun things we share with our community.