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Welcome to Aurora AutoPros’ blog! We post at least one new entry per month, usually concerned with some aspect of auto repair. As our auto mechanics encounter new issues and challenges, we pass on what we’ve learned to our customers. Our topics range from tips for driving to advice on dealing with weather changes to happenings and events in Aurora & the Denver metro area.

Monthly Archives: February 2024

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Driving in Snowy Weather

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Driving in Snowy Weather

Photo by Laura Seaman On Unsplash 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Driving in Snowy Weather Wintertime can be a beautiful season, but it comes with its unique challenges for drivers. When we have new-to-Colorado customers in at the shop, we often get asked about our driving Do’s and Don’ts.    We have quite a few blogs on the do’s of driving in the winter (such as this one on driving tips for Aurora residents and this one for new Colorado residents), but less on what not to do. As expert auto technicians at Aurora AutoPros, CO, we are thrilled to share some valuable in ... read more


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