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Welcome to Aurora AutoPros’ blog! We post at least one new entry per month, usually concerned with some aspect of auto repair. As our auto mechanics encounter new issues and challenges, we pass on what we’ve learned to our customers. Our topics range from tips for driving to advice on dealing with weather changes to happenings and events in Aurora & the Denver metro area.

Monthly Archives: March 2023

Customer Appreciation: Thanks For Ten Years In The Business!

Customer Appreciation: Thanks For Ten Years In The Business!

Customer Appreciation: Thanks For Ten Years In The Business! Okay, I won't get too ahead of myself. Thanks for nine years and eleven months in the business, Aurora!    Next month, we'll celebrate an entire decade of doing what we love and supporting the community that has embraced us. We are grateful beyond words for the opportunity to have served such amazing customers over the past ten years. Our community has grown with us, and we'd like to spend some intentional time this month exploring our gratitude!   While I'd love for you to read each and every word of this blog to feel the appreciation that's warming me, I do want to encourage you to at least read the end: we'll be hosting a community event on April 1st, and we'd love to see you there! Details are outlined at the end of this blog.    Now, on to all of my thank you's!  Thanks For Supporting Our Love For Cars We know that your vehicle isn't just a huge i ... read more


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