Posted on: 4/1/2023

Photo by Acton Crawford on Unsplash Ten Tips For Aurora Drivers: Celebrating 10 Years In The Business! Today, we celebrate ten years in the business! WOOHOO!! We hope to see many of you at our event today, where we’ll give out lunch and allow you to meet our incredible team. In the spirit of ten years in business, we’re giving out ten tips for Colorado drivers! The following come up pretty often in our shop, and they’re equally useful for long-time Coloradans and new residents in our state. 1. Preventative maintenance is key Maintaining your vehicle regularly can help you save significant money in the long run. Investing in preventative maintenance lets you detect potential problems before they escalate into major issues. Regular oil changes, tire rotations, and tune-ups keep your vehicle running smoothly, improving fuel efficiency ... read more
Posted on: 2/1/2023

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash Maintenance For Your Vehicles This February It’s February, which means love is in the air! Whether you're helping your little ones prepare cards for their classroom or making a reservation for two, Valentine’s Day can be such a fun holiday. It can be a day to appreciate everyone around us and show a little love to those who need it…and your vehicle. Your car is the one that rushes you to the store just in time to get pink glitter for your kiddo's Valentine's box, helps you arrive right on time for your date, and keeps you safe year-round. It deserves a Valentine's card, too (and may we suggest checking our coupons page for some great ideas for an easy-to-print gift)! If you’re unsure how to treat your vehicle this month, I have a few ... read more
Posted on: 11/1/2022

Photo by Danor Aharon from Pixabay There’s no place like Colorado in the winter If you're a skiing enthusiast, then you know there's no place like Colorado in the winter. With world-class ski resorts and some of the best powder in the country, Colorado is a top destination for winter sports fans and aspiring new enthusiasts who want to learn to ski or snowboard! Whether you're looking for an adventure in the backcountry or a day on the slopes with your friends, these ski resorts have something to offer everyone. Check out our list of the top ski destinations in Colorado and start planning your winter getaway today! Breckenridge Ski Resort Breckenridge is one of the most ... read more
Posted on: 8/1/2022

Photo by Valerie Kaarna on Unsplash With August, we're approaching the back-to-school season. Our family is preparing to send our daughter off to her freshman year of college, and it's an emotional time. For many parents, sending their children off to college is a bittersweet moment. It's also a scary moment. While we're excited for our daughter to start this new chapter in her life, we also worry about all of the dangers that come with being on your own for the first time. While we trust our daughter's judgment, we worry about her being around so many other new, haphazard "I'll live forever" drivers. We just want to make sure she has the tools she needs to do well. With this new step f ... read more
Posted on: 5/3/2022

Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash Mother’s Day and Graduation 2022 have nearly arrived. 2022 is marching on rapidly, and we’re nearly halfway through the year. Colorado is getting on with things, even though gas prices are still very high. With any luck, things will calm down and prices will drop again. But right now, it’s putting a damper on the events we travel long distances to, just as COVID-19 has. Both May and June have some anticipated travel in them where we’ll potentially need to drive long distances. It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8th. And in June, we can expect the new graduates of 2021-2022 to march to Pomp & Circumstance in rented robes and mortar hats once aga ... read more
Posted on: 3/1/2022

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay Believe it or not, Bomb cyclones are a real thing that Coloradans must brace for in our uncertain climate. A bomb cyclone, or ‘explosive cyclogenesis,’ is pretty much exactly how it sounds – a meteorological bomb! When storms decrease in pressure by 24 millibars or more in a 24-hour period, this means they are strengthening, creating primary conditions for a bomb cyclone – causing intense precipitation and very high winds. They can occur any time of the year in any area of the world where the conditions and ingredients are present. The sudden dip in pressure can potentially cause a bomb cyclone with lots of rain, snow, high winds, a ... read more
Posted on: 1/1/2022

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash As the calendar turns to the new year, we usually see many people making resolutions to improve the quality of their lives. “New Year, New Me” is an annual concept as people begin working on their resumes, starting diets, exercising, or putting down their cigarettes. Some themes revolve around trimming down, especially waistlines and budgets. People change a minor factor in their lives and watch it have a ripple effect of positive outcomes if they can just hang on long enough to their resolution. For some, it’s a more significant change. They’re embracing the kind of person they’d like to be, emulating a hero. They are working to be their idea ... read more
Posted on: 10/15/2021

Photo by White Field Photo on Unsplash We blinked, and suddenly it's October! Here in Colorado, the mornings are brisk, and the leaves have gorgeous hues of gold, red, and orange. Many households take advantage of this season to decorate for Halloween and take their vehicles in for a checkup! Fall is the season to have your vehicle checked and schedule any needed repairs before the frigid weather arrives. There is no such thing as an ideal time to be stranded on the side of the road, but in freezing temperatures, it can be worse than inconvenient – it can be downright dangerous. To help you avoid winter woes, we want to share the top three ways you can prepare your vehicle during Autumn for the coming Winter months. Tires ... read more
Posted on: 9/9/2021

Are Your Brakes Trying to Tell You Something? If your brakes are trying to tell you something, you should pay attention. A properly operating brake system helps ensure safe vehicle control and operation and it should be checked immediately if you suspect any problems, says the non - profit Car Care Council. “While an annual brake inspection is a good way to ensure brake safety, motorists should NOT ignore signs that their brakes need attention,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. The Car Care Council reminds motorists to look for the following warning signs that their brakes need to be inspected : • Noise: screeching, grinding or clicking noises when applying the brakes. • Pulling: vehicle pulls to one side while braking. • Low Pedal: brake pedal nearly touches the floor before engaging. • Hard Pedal: must apply extreme pressure to the pedal before brakes engage. • Grabbing: brakes grab at the slightest touch to the pedal ... read more
Posted on: 8/6/2021

Heat Causes More Batteries to Fail Than Cold! “When most motorists think of dead batteries that cause starting failure, they think of severe winter weather, but summer heat is the real culprit,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. More car batteries fail in the summer than in the winter! Summer’s hot temperatures can destroy a car’s battery. Heat causes battery fluid to evaporate, which then damages the internal structure of the battery. The Car Care Council advises vehicle owners to have their car battery tested periodically, including in the summer and replaced, if necessary, to avoid being stranded during that summer vacation. At Aurora AutoPros, we can perform a battery service that includes cleaning the contacts and cables, as well as test the strength of the battery. This service increases the life of your battery and saves you unnecessary hassles. There is never a good time for your car to break down or not start, so prevention is the ... read more