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Welcome to Aurora AutoPros’ blog! We post at least one new entry per month, usually concerned with some aspect of auto repair. As our auto mechanics encounter new issues and challenges, we pass on what we’ve learned to our customers. Our topics range from tips for driving to advice on dealing with weather changes to happenings and events in Aurora & the Denver metro area.

Congratulate Your Grads and Thank Your Mothers Through Auto Maintenance

Photo byJakob Rosen onUnsplash

Mother’s Day and Graduation 2022 have nearly arrived. 

2022 is marching on rapidly, and we’re nearly halfway through the year. Colorado is getting on with things, even though gas prices are still very high. With any luck, things will calm down and prices will drop again. But right now, it’s putting a damper on the events we travel long distances to, just as COVID-19 has.


Both May and June have some anticipated travel in them where we’ll potentially need to drive long distances. It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8th. And in June, we can expect the new graduates of 2021-2022 to march to Pomp & Circumstance in rented robes and mortar hats once again. In addition, there’s Memorial weekend events.  

The people we love deserve the best from us.

Our Mothers put up with a lot from us. Carrying us through nine months of labor, nursing us through illnesses, and looking out for us when we do incredibly silly stuff. They deserve some love and attention from us on Mother’s Day.


Equally, our grads have had a tough time the last two years with COVID-19 restrictions and illnesses. We’ve asked more of this year’s seniors than we’ve asked this millennium. They dealt with disappointments in life events they have been promised for generations, and still managed to come through with their diplomas. That deserves some recognition!


If you are having trouble deciding on a gift for Mom or your new graduate, we’d like to suggest a tune-up for their car. Making sure that all is well with their car as far as their fluids, belts, hoses and tires is a great way to show you care and a smart way to prepare for the hot asphalt of summer that’s yet to come. If your love language is through acts of service, show the love through servicing their vehicles!

If you need maintenance on your mother’s car, your graduate’s car, or your vehicle, please schedule an appointment with Aurora AutoPros as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you soon. Also, we invite you to follow us on Facebook and our social media channels; and see what engaging, entertaining, educational, and fun things we share with our community.


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