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Welcome to Aurora AutoPros’ blog! We post at least one new entry per month, usually concerned with some aspect of auto repair. As our auto mechanics encounter new issues and challenges, we pass on what we’ve learned to our customers. Our topics range from tips for driving to advice on dealing with weather changes to happenings and events in Aurora & the Denver metro area.

Tag Archives: auto

Are your brakes talking to you? And are you listening?

Are your brakes talking to you? And are you listening?

Are Your Brakes Trying to Tell You Something? If your brakes are trying to tell you something, you should pay attention. A properly operating brake system helps ensure safe vehicle control and operation and it should be checked immediately if you suspect any problems, says the non - profit Car Care Council. “While an annual brake inspection is a good way to ensure brake safety, motorists should NOT ignore signs that their brakes need attention,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. The Car Care Council reminds motorists to look for the following warning signs that their brakes need to be inspected : • Noise: screeching, grinding or clicking noises when applying the brakes. • Pulling: vehicle pulls to one side while braking. • Low Pedal: brake pedal nearly touches the floor before engaging. • Hard Pedal: must apply extreme pressure to the pedal before brakes engage. • Grabbing: brakes grab at the slightest touch to the pedal ... read more



Heat Causes More Batteries to Fail Than Cold!

Heat Causes More Batteries to Fail Than Cold!

Heat Causes More Batteries to Fail Than Cold! “When most motorists think of dead batteries that cause starting failure, they think of severe winter weather, but summer heat is the real culprit,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. More car batteries fail in the summer than in the winter! Summer’s hot temperatures can destroy a car’s battery. Heat causes battery fluid to evaporate, which then damages the internal structure of the battery. The Car Care Council advises vehicle owners to have their car battery tested periodically, including in the summer and replaced, if necessary, to avoid being stranded during that summer vacation. At Aurora AutoPros, we can perform a battery service that includes cleaning the contacts and cables, as well as test the strength of the battery. This service increases the life of your battery and saves you unnecessary hassles. There is never a good time for your car to break down or not start, so prevention is the ... read more



Summer Driving Tips from Aurora AutoPros and AAA!

Summer Driving Tips from Aurora AutoPros and AAA!

Summer presents plenty of traffic safety concerns that, if ignored, can turn a dreamy ride into a nightmare. Motorists should keep these summer driving safety tips top of mind before hitting the road. Driving vacations are expected to be at an all time high this summer! • Whether traveling 5 or 500 miles, every driver should carry important items like a mobile phone charger, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, drinking water, extra snacks and food, booster cables, emergency flares or reflectors, windshield wiper fluid and a basic toolkit with a tire pressure gauge and adjustable wrench. Despite the importance of these items, more than 40 percent of motorists don’t carry such an emergency kit, one of the most valuable summer driving safety tips. • Sun glare can be a serious hazard. A sweet pair of sunglasses will ... read more



Air Conditioning: 2 Signs That Your Vehicle Needs Service

Air Conditioning: 2 Signs That Your Vehicle Needs Service

As Colorado temperatures rise, drivers will be eager to crank the A/C for a cool, comfortable ride. Some of those drivers will be furrowing their brows, wondering why the air is not getting very cool or taking a long time to cool. Signs that the A/C needs serviced are: Warm air blowing from the a/c vent Warm air blowing means the A/C system is not operating correctly. Air-conditioning systems are sealed circuits, and any loss of cooling ability calls for an inspection of the entire system. The cause could be due low freon level due to a leak somewhere or a component has failed, like the A/C compressor or the cooling fan. An engine running hotter than normal can also affect the performance of the A/C system. (This is another reason you should get your vehicle inspected at regular intervals!) ... read more



The Necessary Flushing of the Brakes - Yes, it's a REAL thing!

The Necessary Flushing of the Brakes - Yes, it's a REAL thing!

For many of us, when we first started driving, brakes meant “pedal”, and some even knew there were pads and rotors. But lots of car owners learn about brake fluid when their mechanic recommends the brake fluid flush. Unlike blinker fluid (not a real thing!), brake fluid is very real and very important to the braking system! Brake fluid is hydroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture. The unwanted moisture/water in the brake fluid can boil (boiling point of water is lower than that of brake fluid), causing vapor to form in the hydraulic brake system. That vapor causes pockets of air in the brake lines and results in a spongy brake pedal = brake pedal responds more slowly. And moisture acts to corrode metal components (brake lines, calipers, the master cylinder and others) within the braking system -, possibly causing an eventual failure. If you notice a need to start braking earlier than you used to, odds a ... read more



What’s the Fuss over Fluids?

What’s the Fuss over Fluids?

Most car owners know that regular oil changes are necessary. But many people don’t realize that all vehicles have multiple systems that require fluid changes/flushes! Systems with moving components require lubrication to perform their tasks. These systems are: Engine Transmission Braking system Cooling Differentials Transfer case Power steering ____________ (by the time you read this, engineers have likely invented MORE systems that need special fluids!)   Specially designed fluids  provide the right conditions for optimal performance. Over time, these fluids break down. If routine fluid maintenance is ignored, eventually those components lack adequate lubrication to keep moving as designed - and that leads to expensive repairs (BOO!). Flushing and replacing the various fluids at the recommended intervals OR when an inspection indicates can save time, money, and inc ... read more



Let’s Talk Budgets (and An Easy Way to Stretch Funds)!

Let’s Talk Budgets (and An Easy Way to Stretch Funds)!

In an ideal world, we have steady income, along with a solid budget and responsible lifestyle to fit that budget. The budget includes money for scheduled maintenance and repairs. But no one is perfect and things aren't always ideal. There are months that we go over budget, we encounter unexpected expenses, and we just adjust. One expense that all car owners have is scheduled maintenance - oil changes, fluid flushes, filters, belts, hoses, etc, - based on the manufacturer recommendations. Most of our customers plan for the expense but no one relishes paying for maintenance. It is just a necessary cost we incur to enjoy the freedom and access our vehicles provide. But our customers have a way to build up credit towards service! We offer $50 Referral Credit for EVERY NEW CUSTOMER sent our way. No limits! Referral credit can be used on ... read more



Brakes: More than just “PUSH THE PEDAL”!

Brakes: More than just “PUSH THE PEDAL”!

The brakes are obviously how we stop or slow down a vehicle but  many drivers don’t realize the various components of the braking system that work together to keep us safe. It's more than just pushing the pedal.  The components of the brakes are pads, rotors, shoes, drums, master cylinder, wheel cylinders, brake hoses, brake lines, brake fluid, brake calipers – phew! That’s a lot of moving parts. When you get a brake inspection, these are the components should be inspected! If the ABS light is on, that is an indication that something is awry; you should schedule diagnostics to be performed.  Most newer vehicles have Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS System) but many drivers don’t understand its function. The ABS System enhances the brakes by preventing preventing the wheels from locking up while you try to steer normally ... read more



Winterizing: 10 things to do before winter arrives!

Winterizing: 10 things to do before winter arrives!

Winter is coming and now is the time to winterize your vehicles. But what does that really mean?  If you keep up with regular maintenance, there is not a whole lot to do. A simple inspection before the cold settles in is helpful to avoid delays or bigger issues. Most of winterizing is pretty common sense, but here is a list of items that will have you feeling extra prepared. Battery – have it tested and replaced if needed Fluids – windshield washer fluid will be needed often so be sure the reservoir is full. Be sure that coolant is at the proper level and condition Wipers – check for tears which cause streaking and reduced visibility Heating and Air Conditioning – Heat is obvious but the A/C system is important for the defrost to work well. Lights – be sure headlights, brake lights, and turn signals are working well Tires – You want g ... read more



Let's Talk Batteries

Let's Talk Batteries

Fun Fact: Heat can cause your battery to fail. Did your brain just do a double-take? Are you now thinking, “Wait. But my car struggles to start in the cold, not the heat. So that can’t be right!” I hear you and yes, it’s the cold that often seems to stress out the battery but here’s why you might notice once the cold weather arrives: Heat can cause battery fluid to evaporate, and insufficient fluid causes damage to the inner workings of the battery. That is why we recommend having your battery tested when the seasons change. And yes, the cold can also add stress to the body of the battery which could cause the acid to freeze and expand, putting pressure on the cells. It isn’t super likely but it is possible. Another sign to test or change the battery is if the car struggles to start. If you go out in the morning ... read more


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