Posted on: 1/26/2023

Maybe DON'T with the New Year Resolutions...Here's why! by Reneé Leon If you read to the bottom of each monthly newsletter, you’ll always find a cheesy joke. This year, I came across this joke that made me pause (still read to the end for the ACTUAL cheesy joke of the month): How can you be more efficient with New Year’s Resolutions?Make a copy of your list so you can pull it out again next year! This made me pause because it is often accurate. A dear friend (that’s you, Sarah) pointed out that the better time to assert oneself and make change is in the Spring or Fall. She cited that January is typically COLD (at least in our state) with fewer hours of daylight; lack of sunlight affects human moods (ever heard of Seasonal Affected Disorder?) while snow makes everything harder. The most common Resolutions are about improving diet, exercise, and productivity – all things made h ... read more
Posted on: 12/1/2022

4 Categories of Creative Gift Ideas for those HARD-TO-BUY-FOR Persons on your List by Renee Leon Tis the season to celebrate with family and friends! Many of these celebrations include the pressure of gift giving to special people who are especially difficult to buy for. Perhaps you’ll find some creative solutions below! Experiences For the Arts Aficionado: Theatre tickets- local community theater or touring shows Concert tickets Movie passes Symphony tickets - Art Museum passes or Membership -  ... read more
Posted on: 4/1/2022

April = TAX TIME! By Renee Leon April = TAX TIME! Along with laboring over our taxes, we are all faced with the reality of our financial situation - how it looks NOW and how it will look in 10, 15, or 20 years. Edgar and I have had many lively finance discussions with our good friend, customer, and First Command Financial Advisor, Sandy Wade, about various investing strategies. Today I’m sharing Sandy’s list of Top 8 Mistakes to Avoid in Pursuing Your Financial Goals. If you’d like a copy of the full, super-informative brochure from Sandy, you can contact her by clicking on this link: Sandy Wade: Financial Advisor in Aurora, CO ( The brochure is a quick way to “check your work” and re-engage with your financial picture! Top 8 Mistakes to Avoid in Pursuing Your Financial Goals MISTAKE #1: RELYING EXCLUSIVELY ON YOUR WORKPLACE BENEFITS Workplace benefits are only individual pieces of a ... read more
Posted on: 2/23/2022

Colorado Winter Driving Tips for both New and Seasoned Drivers! By Renee Leon Winter driving tips have been brought into SHARP FOCUS as Edgar and I are teaching our youngest daughter, Maci, to drive! There are many important tips to impart as we navigate driving on potentially slippery conditions. Here are a few Winter Driving reminders for us all as Colorado continues to deliver winter weather. Slow Down - Keep your distance; in wintry conditions you should increase your distance to 8-10 seconds. Stay Alert - Know what's happening around you; frequently check your mirrors so you can react safely. Be Noticed - Make sure other drivers SEE you and what you want to communicate (turn signals and brake lights). Be sure all your vehicle's lights are working properly. In this video, I share a tip on how to check your lights, even ... read more
Posted on: 2/1/2022

5 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Your Valentine By Renee Leon While many could claim that Valentine’s Day is a “hallmark” holiday meant to pressure people to prioritize spending $$$ on unnecessary gifts. This Valentine’s Day, consider expressing love and appreciation for the important people in your life while considering their Love Language! The 5 Love Languages is a popular book that many point to as helpful in strengthening both romantic and platonic relationships. The 5 love languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, gifts, and touch. This year, identify the love languages of your Valentines and consider the following: 1. Words of Affirmation: cut out colored paper hearts and write out the qualities you love most or appreciate about them (I’ll be doing this for my kids this year; I’m g ... read more
Posted on: 1/1/2022

Three DO’s and DON’Ts of your New Year Fitness Resolutions By Renee Leon Fitness resolutions are among the most popular in January. To help you reach your fitness goals, we’ve asked our customer and ISSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach, Chris Young, to share 3 DO’S and 3 DON’T’s towards building healthy fittness habits. √ DO: Start slow.X DON’T: Expect instant changes. You can’t rush fittness goals; they happen over time so enjoy the small and big changes as you progress, changes like more energy and the satisfaction of keeping a promise to yourself. Eventually you’ll see physical changes as well as improved health stats! √ DO: Keep it simple. X DON’T: Get overwhelmed by creating a complicated plan. Start with simple nutrition changes and a beginner workout plan to prepare your ... read more
Posted on: 11/30/2021

Happy Holidays from our team at Aurora AutoPros! We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year! Current customers, check your mailbox for a special postcard from us; you can bring that postcard in for $25 off your next service! We’re collecting Toys for Tots until Friday, December 10th! PLUS when you get any service done on your vehicle AND you bring a new, unwrapped toy, Aurora AutoPros will donate $10 to Toys for Tots! Please help us spread the word! Thank you for the referrals! The best compliment is when our customers refer us to a friend. We reward referrals with $50 credit toward any service! Heads up to the following folks – you have credit waiting for you at the shop! Deyadira M. Cory and Patty Dohme Martin Ochoa Michael Berg Marilee Bagley Did you know that December 4th is National Cookie Day?! Other snacks celebrated this month include pie, cotton can ... read more
Posted on: 10/21/2020

WEBSITESERVICESDIRECTIONSAPPOINTMENTS Hi John, OCTOBER TIP Tis the season to WINTERIZE! It sounds like a big thing but it’s rather simple – have your vehicle inspected to be sure you’re prepared for winter. Jose made this video ... read more
Posted on: 6/16/2020

JUNE TIP Air conditioning becomes a BIG priority when we start reaching 80-90 degree days. If you are sweating on your commute or are planning a road trip, be sure that the a/c is performing at its best. The serpentine belt, cooling system, a/c compressor performance, freon levels, leaks, and even dirty cabin air filters are all factors in ensuring maximum comfort on a hot day. (Side note: if your engine is overheating, it will affect the efficiency of the air conditioning.) Watch this video to learn a bit more about the diagnostic process and how testing various components helps to ensure you keep cool all summer long. HAPPENING ONLINE Shout out to May ... read more