Posted on: 11/17/2020

NOVEMBER SPECIAL ALERT! It is because of our great clients (you) that we have been in business for almost 8 years! As our way of saying thank you AND help during this difficult financial time, we have an Exclusive, First Time Ever Offer of FREE BRAKES PADS! Thanks to our partnership with our parts supplier we’re able to give back with this VERY special offer, but we’re only able to make it available for a limited time. Please see the attached flyer for details. Be assured your FREE brake pads come with our usual 36 Months/36,000 Mile Nationwide Warranty. If YOU don’t have a need for this service right now, please pass your flyer on to a friend, neighbor, relative, or co-worker who could make use of it. Because YOU are passing it along, we’ll honor it for them t ... read more
Posted on: 10/21/2020

WEBSITESERVICESDIRECTIONSAPPOINTMENTS Hi John, OCTOBER TIP Tis the season to WINTERIZE! It sounds like a big thing but it’s rather simple – have your vehicle inspected to be sure you’re prepared for winter. Jose made this video ... read more
Posted on: 9/20/2020

SEPTEMBER TIP Avoid the inconvenience of a dead battery. Have your battery tested to ensure your vehicle will always have enough power to start your engine. The life span of a car battery can vary. A few factors that can affect the longevity of a battery are quality, your environment/extreme weather changes, a malfunctioning alternator regulator, and more! We recommend you have your battery checked in the fall, before the cold weather sets in. Stop by and we’ll check it free of charge! In this video, Edgar gives a good tip for what to listen for when starting your car. HAPPENING ONLINE Reviews and referrals are a huge way to support our shop. Shout out to August reviewers for leaving 5-star reviews: Howie Metz, Josue Garcia, David Swarsen, Doug Harris, Naomi Takase, Gilbert Loera, Michael Garcia, Alicia, P ... read more