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Welcome to Aurora AutoPros’ blog! We post at least one new entry per month, usually concerned with some aspect of auto repair. As our auto mechanics encounter new issues and challenges, we pass on what we’ve learned to our customers. Our topics range from tips for driving to advice on dealing with weather changes to happenings and events in Aurora & the Denver metro area.


For many, a car means the freedom to go when and where you want! But no one relishes the maintenance needs that come with it. And yet, maintenance prevents untimely breakdowns and expensive repairs! Occasionally do these 5 Simple Tasks to stay ahead of problems.

  1. Oil Change - The best thing you can do for your vehicle is to get regular oil changes from a trusted shop. At Aurora AutoPros, every oil change includes a Digital Safety Inspection that helps our customers plan and make informed decisions.
  2. Walk around your vehicle – Some people are rarely passengers in their own cars and given our busy lives, many only see the driver’s side. Occasionally walk all the way around your vehicle to check tires and see if they have decent tread and look under the car for any leaks.
  3. Check your tire pressure - Driving with underinflated tires can damage your vehicle, significantly wear down your tires, and can potentially cause an accident if a blowout occurs. Plus, driving with low tire pressure leads to decreased gas mileage. Keep a tire pressure gauge in your glove box to make it easy!
  4. Turn down the radio/podcast/crying child (just kidding!) – Turn off the tunes and talking for a few minutes and listen. Any grinding, squeaking, or other unusual noises? If so, the temptation is to turn UP the tunes and hope it will go away. Delaying can lead to more damage and costly repairs so if you hear anything odd, take your car in and have it assessed. Better to be safe than sorry!
  5. Flash yourself in store windows – Use store fronts as a mirror and flash your headlights to ensure they are working. Back into a parking stop to check the brake lights and taillights, too, or ask a friend to check.
  6. Check your oil - Sometimes the oil can deteriorate faster than our recommended service or you could develop a leak.  As described in this article, many Colorado drivers could be considered “severe drivers”. According to the non-profit Car Care Council, severe driving includes:    
  • Stop-and-go traffic
  • Short commutes
  • Heavier loads: cargo, passenger or towing a trailer
  • Rough or mountainous roads
  • Dusty or salty environments
  • Driving in extremely hot or cold weather

These 6 steps plus regular maintenance will save you money on car repair! And if ever you have a vehicle concern, just call or stop by and we’ll help sort it out!


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