Posted on: 1/1/2022
Three DO’s and DON’Ts of your New Year Fitness Resolutions By Renee Leon Fitness resolutions are among the most popular in January. To help you reach your fitness goals, we’ve asked our customer and ISSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach, Chris Young, to share 3 DO’S and 3 DON’T’s towards building healthy fittness habits. √ DO: Start slow.X DON’T: Expect instant changes. You can’t rush fittness goals; they happen over time so enjoy the small and big changes as you progress, changes like more energy and the satisfaction of keeping a promise to yourself. Eventually you’ll see physical changes as well as improved health stats! √ DO: Keep it simple. X DON’T: Get overwhelmed by creating a complicated plan. Start with simple nutrition changes and a beginner workout plan to prepare your ... read more