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Tire Health: A Guide to Tire Health and Repair for Aurora Auto Owners

Photo by Obi on Unsplash

Tire Health: A Guide to Tire Health and Repair for Aurora Auto Owners

As an Aurora vehicle owner, you know how important keeping your vehicle in tip-top shape is. One crucial aspect of auto maintenance is tire health. Healthy tires can improve fuel efficiency, reduce the risk of accidents, and prolong the life of your vehicle. This post will provide tips and information on tire care and repair to keep you rolling safely.

The Penny Test: My Favorite Customer Friendly Hack!

Worn-out or damaged tires can be dangerous, especially in inclement weather conditions. Sure, we may be clear of any snow currently, but heavy rains can mean hydroplaning hazards. It's best to replace your tires before they are too worn. Your tires can give you plenty of clues when they're starting to wear out. Some everyday tire wear and tear signs include uneven tread wear, bulging, and cracking. If you notice any of these signs, taking action immediately is essential.

I like to suggest the penny test to our customers to help them determine if they need a new set or not without having them drive-in to see us. To check your tires' health, use a penny to gauge the tread depth. Insert the penny into the tread groove with Lincoln's head upside down and facing you. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, your tires are worn out and should be replaced soon. Additionally, watch for any cuts, punctures, or cracks in your tires' sidewalls. These can indicate potential problems and should be addressed promptly.

Tire Maintenance Tips For Long Lasting Wheels

Preventative maintenance is vital to keeping your tires healthy. Regularly checking your tire pressure is a crucial aspect of tire maintenance. 

Want to save some cash? Properly inflated tires can improve fuel efficiency and handling, reduce the risk of accidents, and prolong the life of your tires! To check your tire pressure, use a gauge and follow the recommended pressure in your vehicle's owner's manual.

Additionally, regular tire rotations can help distribute wear evenly among all four tires. This can extend the life of your tires and prevent uneven tread wear. It's generally recommended to rotate your tires every 5,000 to 7,000 miles, but I'd also suggest checking your manual to see what your manufacturer suggests. 

When to Replace Your Tires

Knowing when to replace your tires is essential for your safety on the road. Most tire manufacturers recommend replacing your tires every six years, regardless of their wear and tear. If you're unsure if it's time to replace your tires, a quick inspection by a professional like those here at Aurora AutoPros can provide the answers you need. We can help give you the advice or next steps when your tires need repair.

Common Tire Solutions

Got something weird going on with your tires, but unsure what it is?


We see a lot here at Aurora AutoPros. Some of our customers travel down dirt or gravel roads, some rough it in the mountains on weekends, and others may be prone to nail-in-tire issues. If you have something strange going on with your tires but you don’t know what, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

Visit Aurora AutoPros For Your Tire Needs This Summer!

In summary, tire health is a crucial aspect of auto maintenance that should always be noticed. Regular maintenance, proper inflation, and routine tire rotations can help prolong the life of your tires and keep you safe on the road. Knowing when to replace your tires and addressing any issues promptly can also help prevent accidents and extend the life of your vehicle. 


If you need some expert advice, please schedule an appointment with Aurora AutoPros as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you soon. Also, we invite you to follow us on Facebook and our social media channels; and see what engaging, entertaining, educational, and fun things we share with our community.


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