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July Newsletter 2023

July Newsletter 2023

Facing A Health Crisis: 7 Advocating Tips (from An Attorney)! by: Renee' Leon When someone we love is facing an unfamiliar health crisis it means that those closest to them are called upon to provide support. Support can look like many things – rides to appointments, meals, holding a hand, and sometime financial assistance. Another important role is being an advocate. The person facing the scary health stuff is often unable to fully comprehend and remember what the medical team finds, suggests, and prescribes during an appointment. A dear friend of mine, an advocate by trade (she’s an attorney), recently found herself needing to use her skills in just this way. These are her 7 Advocate Tips to follow: 1) Educate yourself, and not just a Google search. Talk to people who have been through something similar. Learn as much as you can about the health condition and treatment options. This will help you make informed decisions and ask the right questions ... read more


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