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Tag Archives: memorial

7/20: A Decade in the Aurora Community

7/20: A Decade in the Aurora Community

As Independence day rolls in and families in the Aurora community celebrate with food, fireworks, and good company, July marks a significant moment for Aurora, Colorado. Shortly after midnight on July 20th, 2012, life changed forever for our city. A killer struck at the Midnight premiere of the third Batman film by Christopher Nolan, “The Dark Knight Rises.” In mere minutes, this lone killer’s evil act cut short the lives of 13 people, left scars for many survivors, as well as countless emotional scars on those attending and those witnessing the aftermath.  Shock and disbelief followed this cowardly attack. There were no motives beyond a person’s desire to commit a heinous murder. How could anyone do such a thing in our town? “This isn’t what Aurora is like... this isn’t who we are,” some said.    When the numbness left us, anger settled in. There was an element of insult to the crime that someone could perpetrate mass m ... read more


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