July in Colorado is rainy season! And July is often when Colorado drivers discover that their windshield wipers are not up to snuff. Typically, wipers can last from 6 months up to a year. You’ll know they need to be replaced when they aren’t clearing well - they skip, streak, squeak, or smear – and are impairing visibility, rather than making it better. Watch this video to learn 5 TIPS to help your windshield wipers last longer! And should you discover that YOUR windshield wipers need to be replaced, we keep them on hand at the shop. Just stop by and we will install them for you!

Shout out to June reviewers for leaving 5-star reviews: Audra Hickman, Jerry Fleetwood, Kirk Nicholls, Jawed Shah, Anthony Pilla, Mark Smith, Tara DiRocco, and Samuel Mendoza! And big thanks to Ron Swarsen, Hayley Kimbrell, and Loreal Weisshaar for referring new customers in April! We appreciate the recommendations! Your referrals and reviews help others find us and mean SO MUCH to us! Also, online… we have an A/C Special posted on our website. If you need A/C repairs, be sure to take advantage of the
specials and save!

As you pull up to Aurora AutoPros, take a closer look at our NEW SIGN! New logo (slightly altered) and a fresh new sign on the building. We are also making plans to re-do our lobby and the workstations for our service advisors. And lastly, we have a Service Advisor in training right now! Look forward to learning more about Sharon in our next newsletter!
PLEASE NOTE: As required by Governor Polis, we all must wear masks indoors. Please remember to wear your mask when you visit us. If you prefer to avoid entering the lobby, we can certainly accommodate you over the phone, via text and email, and use of the key lockbox. Just let us know!

Aurora is an incredible city, rich with culture and beauty, and a lot can be found in the Aurora Cultural Arts District! A group of talented creatives in Denver, CO are working together to create a safe, inclusive, and vibrant festival celebrating ten new murals in ACAD on Saturday, August 1 st, 2020. They’ll be hosting the main stage with popular musicians, showcasing amazing businesses that run along Colfax, and activating the People’s Building parking area with fun games! Grab your mask and check out the plans at https://auroraculture.org/colfax-canvas-mural-project/!
Stay cool and safe!
Edgar, Reneé, and the Team at Aurora AutoPros
Joke of the month: What do you call a Ford Fiesta out of gas?
A Ford Siesta!